Framework for Governance

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At LCC we do our best to provide our students with a comfortable learning environment. Student Representatives are an integral part of that process. We seek to work with Student Representatives in order to provide the best possible experience overall for our students.

Student Representatives provide an essential link between our students, their programmes of study and the College. We rely on Student Representatives to be active members of the College, both in and outside of the classroom, as well as in meetings that the Student Representatives attend.

If you are already a student with us, you can learn more about how your Student Representatives are supporting the College by visiting the Student Representative section of E-Learning

This folder contains information about who the Student Representatives of your Groups are, as well as information for Student Reps, such as the Handbook and training slides.

If you would like to see your Student Reps in action, you might also be interested in reading the minutes of some of our meetings, which are also accessible through E-Learning

If you would like any further information on the Student Voice at LCC, whether you are a prospective student, current student or alumni, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Alumni Officer on

London Churchill College has a Student Welfare Officer who is dedicated for the purpose of ensuring a safe and fair environment for students during their course at the institution. The Student Welfare service which provides chaplaincy and pastoral support to students is accessible to them beyond office hours to ensure their needs are dealt with 24/7.

London Churchill College appreciates that mental health is a significant factor in ensuring the welfare of a student. Therefore, the College works together with Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham, an organisation specialising in mental health, to ensure our students can consult experts on mental health if they feel their mental state is affecting their experience at the College. Students wishing to take advantage of this service can consult the College Registrar to book a confidential one-to-one appointment for them with a mental health expert from Mind.

Registrar: Dr Abdur Rahim, Contact No: +44 (0) 7415910283

E-Mail Address:

We aim to ensure that students with registered disabilities are not disadvantaged. The College Registrar will contact all students who have indicated to us that they have a disability. He will invite those students to meet with him to decide what support the College can provide them. Once decided, he will enter into a Support Agreement Plan with those students.  The Registrar will monitor how well this is working and will arrange a follow up meeting with those students. The Registrar may also refer students to other available support such as MIND or to the Colleges ‘Student Welfare Officer’. This is an entirely confidential service which is available to students who are in receipt of Disabled Students Allowance (DSA).

Registrar: Dr. Abdur Rahim, Contact No: 02073771077


All students are able to seek academic advice/support/guidance from a named personal tutor. Students are introduced to personal tutors during their induction. Timetables will show each week a time where students can make appointments to meet their personal tutor. Students deemed to be ‘At Risk’ of failure are encouraged to meet their personal tutor more regularly to help them improve their academic performance. While personal tutors are allocated to all students to help them in academic matters outside their scheduled sessions, the College also has an administrative team that are available to assist students with other matters outside the academic framework. This may include IT assistance or organising one-to-one counselling sessions with a relevant member of staff. Personal tutors are supervised by programme leaders and the Programme Manager has overall oversight of the process.

Head of Programmes and Academic Monitoring: R. Hasan,


Programme Manager: Mehfuzul Haque (HND)


Trainee Programme Leader: Mr. Golam Faqruzzaman (HND in Business)


Programme Leader: Sisi Wang (HND in Hospitality Management)


Students must complete work based learning hours based on qualification requirements. The College supports students to access work experience and WBL opportunities when specified. Overall it is the responsibility of the students to arrange their work experience as part of their course. The College builds partnerships with external organisations who may employ students. Work experience can be paid or unpaid. The college facilitates an excellent student experience in bringing practice into the curriculum and helping students to reflect on their work experience and their professional and personal development. College Policy sets out arrangements for and integration of work experience and voluntary work-based learning into our courses and identifies responsibilities for the College, students and employers.

Interim Head of Student Engagement: R. Hasan,


WBL Coordinator: Mr. Golam Faqruzzaman (HND in Business)


The College has an annual budget for extracurricular activities that give students opportunities to engage in activities outside their academic framework. While the day trips look to strengthen the relations of staff and students, study trips are designed to focus on students’ chosen programmes and take them to places where they can have a closer insight into the industries they are studying about. Events

London Churchill College also organises charity events, health fairs, and food fairs that are open to the public. This initiative allows the College and its students to play an active part in the community it is established in, as well as give the students work experience that can enhance their employability.

In all cases, the College pays particular attention to the credibility of all external bodies and organisations that it deals with and it monitors any risk to students in collaboration with its external Prevent co-ordinators. The College’s designated Prevent Co-ordinator plays a key role here.


Career drop-in sessions are for current students and Alumni. You may use these drop-in sessions as many times as you like and as often as you need to. You can use our drop-in sessions for updating your CV, writing a cover letter and to help you to build up on your confidence with your interview questions.

If you would like any further information on the Student Voice at LCC, whether you are a prospective student, current student or alumni, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Alumni Officer on:


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